Advice #4: self-aware/forgiveness

By Frost

Thought I should make this for anyone who needs it, so yeh! *cough* to be aware of yourself, your behaviors, and so on, is a very good thing. If you're aware, then you might encourage yourself to change anything that's not so great. If you're aware, then that shows deep down (when someone calls you bad, when you're really not- they're just arrogant meanies) there's a really epic person in thar. Being aware of behaviors, attitudes, emotions, and other participants in the negative zone gives you an opportunity to help yourself, ask for help, of even do both. Now, if you are/were once toxic, have/had acknowledged that, led yourself to fix it all, then are now becoming/ became a more better/positive person... then congrats! I'm very proud of you uwu But if you're/were toxic and do not care whatever so ever, maybe it's a good time to start now on fixing yourself- because trust me... that can effect and affect not so bad people into turning into you. It's not pretty, trust me ; w; . Forgiving others and (most importantly) yourself, leads to many open doors. If you fuck up (which everyone does, yet others make big deals out of it cuz, again, they're arrogant meanies), okay, so you screwed up- but! It's fine! We all do :P. Yes, I've messed up because people can't read a message correctly and get offended :/ ... I'm working on self forgiveness, and trust me, it feels a m a z i n g. Sometimes, yes, there are a few reminders from myself that pop-up, but I brush it off and let myself become *aware*, which can be used during this process. **Also, instead of, let's say, running around and talking shit behind someones back, posting shit about them using their real name, and so on- AND if you call them "immature" then YOU'RE the immature one, then that's the real problem. Instead of doing ALL of that, you could simply talk to the other to get a better understanding, and be actually civil about it. That's why you should forgive yourself and others ^-^** So, if you somehow messed up, apologize- if they don't forgive you, then that's they're fault because you're being kind. Forgive yourself as well, cuz you'e not at all bad uwu . An extra piece of advice: the older I get, the more my morality grows, along with the smol awareness. Morality is helpful, and can hopefully show others how you stand your ground. Standing your ground with strength can prove those who over power their emotions (yes, I'm being a bit hypocritical uwu") and say things they don't actually mean. Which is... truly terrible, honestly, but... everyone, not just teenagers, can be super emotional when it comes down to certain things, people, and so on. Unfortunately... eheheheh. And as I said, growing older can do things too, honestly. It's just part of life, yet the human race tends to be not so smort with some morals and understanding... sometimes. Depends on the situation. If you have any questions, don't be scared to ask- or any suggestions of future advice posts, lemme know uwu

  • Published June 09, 2021, 09:49
  • in The Swamp
  • in **Advice**
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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