

about vents. this is not the place. i get it, you need to vent, everyone does, but this is not the place. There are plenty of places for that stuff specifically, but this is a site for art and animation. not to vent about problems. i'm not going to sugar-coat this, because seriously there is too much of that when it comes to being asked to stop with this behaviour. please for the love of god, get help, work towards resolving your issues. posting about them and doing nothing else, or talking to untrained kids will only provide temporary relief. and it triggers others. and it seems that once one person posts a vent, a LOT of people post vents as well, up-scaling the previous. THIS IS NOT THE PLACE FOR THAT. again, I know it's is a way to release, but just- there are many many other platforms and websites for that. it is not healthy to do this stuff, it brings everyone else down, people here don't usually know how to respond correctly, so find a safe place where venting is the focus, and you can receive help. and side note- to the people who read vents like it's some amusing story.. stop. I see all these vents that have so many views, but no comments or people supporting.. like?? why read it if you aren't at least going to offer comfort?? anyways, that is my rant. I am not apologizing for it.

  • Published May 31, 2020, 00:25
  • in Anonymous
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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