okay. so i was thinking...what if we made a post, with multiple frames, each having two of our characters- and we literally draw E V E R Y O N E. the rules are simple. each one of us has to draw ourselves, and one other person, who didnt sign up. (unless they say they do not want to participate.) to sign up, just say like "i wanna sign up" in the comments or smth. theres gonna be A LOT of people to draw, so as many hands we can have on deck is great. remember; if people dont want to be drawn, we cannot and will not draw them. (also dont draw yourself draw the little "character" you identify mostly as on drawn. another thing, ill be the one starting it, by drawing myself and someone else.

  • Published January 29, 2022, 16:15
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in Collabs
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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