Defense mechanism (halfway dreams)


There's a subtype of lucid dreams called halfways/partways (but can also be called half-dreams) thats well, as far as I know, made by me They are a kind of lucid dreams were your body is asleep but your mind conscious of your surroundings while having a dream. It feels almost like daydream, but not exactly dissociated because you know you're dreaming - and not too awake, because your whole body is asleep. They were created thanks to a defense mechanism of mine, last year (2023) I used to stay awake until very late using my phone, therefore sometimes i fell asleep with it on my hand. Of course I didn't want my parents finding out about this, so everytime I woke up I immediately hid my phone under the pillow. Then, it became almost automatical. I couldn't trust it too much, so I created the halfway dreams: By trying to sleep, I took advantage of the hypnagogic hallucinations (when you're about to fall sleep and your thoughts don't make sense at all, and hear things that aren't there) and turned them into meaningful things, dream worlds. (Here's what a dream world means ) I collected the fragments of the hallucinations I had to write them down and create characters based of these and/or things that describe the world or the things that happen in there. The lucid world was succesfully created. So, as I was sleeping and having a half-dream, I was also paying attention to my surroundings so I could tell if someone was coming or not. If I heard something, I would wake up my body quickly and hide my phone, lol. Halfways lucid dreams are short visually, meaning you can only hear them and not see them (although, from time to time, you might see short flashes of images and people, but only for about 5 seconds), because you're mainly picturing the real life world to keep your attention of what's happening. They're very useful if you need to pay attention to something but need to rest at the same time. They are quite complicated, and very messy too. Since they're made thanks to hallucinations, some things might make more sense than others. Sometimes, you could hear very loud things that might wake you up. Or see things you didn't want to. I'm still working in them, experimenting and trying to add/remove things from these dreams. They're like lucid dreams but lite LOL -Souris

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